Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day with the Grandmas and Papa's Birthday!

Today we woke up and walked up to Pastries A GoGo to treat Grandmama to brunch for Mother's Day. I mostly ate off of Uncle Zach's plate and had a great time being silly with my family. I taught Zach the game "I'll Throw Crayons on the Floor and Laugh While You Pick Them Up", which I know he just loved!

Afterwards, we walked back home and played Star Wars in the yard with Grandmama while Sara and Mama and Daddy sat on the steps and chatted.After our visit, it was up to Bebe & Papa's to celebrate Mother's Day and Papa's birthday (busy month!). After opening presents, we headed out to Longhorn for dinner.

What a fun weekend this has been - showing some of my favorite people how much I love them!

Patiently waiting for our food at Pastries A GoGo:

Try as I might, I just could not get the crayons to write on my face!

Oh Papa, you're so silly!

This is one of my favorite jobs - Present Opener! Looks like Papa got a new wallet from us!

Now it's time to help Bebe open her present!

Bebe, you just sit back and relax - I'll do the hard work!

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