Thursday, February 27, 2014

Our House is (kind of, not really) Famous!

A few weeks ago, we got a knock on the door from someone asking if they could use our house in a promo commercial for the show Portlandia and we were like "sure!".  On the day of the shoot, they invited us outside to watch, and even let me help by calling "Action!" for every take!  They were so friendly and I loved sitting in that Director's chair!  It was a pretty darn cool way to spend an afternoon!

Loved the clapperboard!

I came out to check things out for a minute, but I'm a little more timid than my crazy little brother, so I spent most of the shooting time inside playing :)

Waiting for the next take.  Ah, the life of a Director:

It was a little chilly out there, so one of the ladies wrapped me up in her blanket:

The scene in front of our house:

And here's the finished product!

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