Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vacation at Papa & Bebe's

Mama and Daddy went to Washington, D.C. with Mama's work for a few days, so that meant that me and Cooper got to camp out at Papa & Bebe's while they were gone. We had a blast and made sure to keep Bebe on her toes - especially Cooper the Monkey. He is getting into everything all the time and is getting quick on all fours - it won't be long until we are running around and playing ball together!

We shared lots of fun days filled with games, meals, visitors, art and lots of laughs. Thank you for taking such sweet care of us and treating us like little Princes! We love you!

Cooper's like "What up?":

We realized that there were no crayons at Papa & Bebe's house, so we took a trip down to Wal-Mart to remedy that!

Taking Cooper on a ride around Wal-Mart:

Putting those new crayons to good use:

Heading out for a walk around the neighborhood:

Cooper takes a 2.4 second pause for a couple of quick pictures:

Some of Papa & Bebe's friends came over to meet Cooper - here is Miss Vanessa with Cooper. Who knows what that face is for? What a character:

Mr. Scott said he needed a doctor, and luckily there was one in the house. I got out my Doctor Kit and got right to work:

Coop in his beloved bath:

I am getting tall!

And after 4 days with no accidents, I got a Spiderman Pop-Up as a prize! And it was too much fun helping Papa blow it up:

After about 47 rounds of Memory Game, Papa needed a change. So, he came up with a special game just for us and I loved it!

Have I mentioned how much I love my brother and how much I love making him laugh? It might be the best sound in the world.

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