Last Sunday our family had a full day outside, with only a few trips inside when I needed to re-fuel with goldfish and water. While Daddy slaved away mowing & edging the lawn and trying to tame our jungle of a yard, me and Mama ran around and played - throwing and kicking balls, looking for bugs, pulling weeds, throwing pinecones, climbing up and down the porch steps, visiting Molly and Hudson, blowing kisses to Stirling through the sliding glass door (poor thing can't come outside) and trying to distract Daddy whenever possible - I have decided it is not possible for him to go without a hug from me every 15 minutes or so, mowing the lawn or not. I am sure he agrees. Oh and maybe the most exciting thing that happened - Mama converted my push toy to a riding toy and so I spent much of the day pushing it up the driveway and then racing down! Mama and Daddy thought it would be fun to stand in front of me and either let me ride right under them when I got close or jump out of the way at the last second, both of which never stopped being hilarious to me! See video below to witness my delight.
Giggling Speed Racer:I even got to help Daddy saw down a big limb with his pole saw - check out the picture below to see how much I "helped" in my own special way - by holding the roped end of the pole and swinging it around. Why Mama didn't get the hint and jump rope, I'll never know.

1 comment:
Kathy and John, I just want you to know that I do not know of another child that laughs so much. What a wonderful thing!!!
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