Wednesday, March 24, 2010

St Patty's Day Parade

The St. Patrick's Day parade is so much fun every year at school - and we put a lot of hard work into it! This year our class made a float, shakers to carry, necklaces and super silly hats to wear. Cooper's class made tie-dyed shirts, which I thought was super groovy (I kind of wanted one too). Then we lined up with our classrooms and paraded around the parking lot. But really as soon as the first class hits the lot, the parents come running up, taking pictures and laughing and it's not really a parade anymore - it's chaos, but the point is that we have a great time!

Cooper looks like a Bad Man in this picture, but he's so tired I don't think he knew where he was:

There's Coop with his buddies!

I see other Mamas, but where's mine?

Hey Mama! This is great and all, but could you, uh, get me out of this thing?

Parading around the parking lot...for the moment:

And here's where I break away from my class and parade with Mama instead. Watch for my mischevious little grin at about the 50 second mark:

I found you, Coopy! I really like your shirt.

Group picture time:

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