Sunday, September 2, 2012

Grandparents Day!

For Grandparents Day, we took Papa & Bebe to brunch at the restaurant of their choice, and they chose Golden Corral.  We had quite a feast, but the best part was the desserts - random things covered in chocolate from the chocolate fountain and we had our first encounter with cotton candy!  So much fun!  Best of all, we got to spend the day with our sweet grandparents!

Mmmmmmm.....chocolate..... cream.....

Cotton candy, here I come!

So when Bebe asked for a taste I decided to smack her in the face with it, which made a perfect mold of her face in the cotton candy.  Which led to 20 minutes of hysterical laughing.

After the craziness had died down, I decided to try a piece.  I did not care for it.

Now for a jam session at Target:

Bebe & Papa bought us some stickers at Target, and this is what we did with them:

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