Are you ready for a ton of pictures? Hold onto your seat, because Mama and Daddy went camera crazy (more so than usual) for the 4th! It was such a fun day, I can't really blame them.
It started by me waking up to an early 2nd birthday present - a fancy red wagon! I rode around the living room, then when Mama & Daddy realized what a super HIT it was with me, we took it out into the street. Even after riding up and down the street for a while, I wasn't ready to get out, so Mama suggested we go to Dunkin Donuts in our PJs (she cheated though because she had accidentally slept in her jean shorts!) and then take the wagon and the donuts to the park. So we did!
Looking cute in my hat and PJs - just delighted to be riding around in my new wagon, eating donuts at the park!

Now to burn off some of the energy from my donut-sugar high!

After my nap, we headed down to Decatur to pick up Grandpa Tommy before meeting everyone for a picnic and fireworks. We took my wagon, of course, and I got to ride around the Square and all of my sweet family took turns pulling me around. I tried to return the favor and pull them around, but my muscles just are not strong enough yet.
I checked out the fire trucks that were there for the parade and blew kisses to my new fireman friends and was also quite taken with the school bus lot. I loved looking at them and shouting "Bus! Bus!" and never understood why seeing a fleet of buses wasn't as exciting to my family as it was to me. Mama, Sara and Mandy tried to take me into a bus, but that freaked me out. Why? Don't know exactly, maybe it was the stale school bus smell? In any case, I was much happier looking at the outside of the buses today - I'll leave the riding to the big kids for now.
When the fireworks started, I just laughed and laughed - I loved them! They were so beautiful and there were so many friendly people around us who were watching them with us, I just felt so comfortable and loved and at-home. Mama and Daddy, I am ready to move to Decatur! It just feels right down there!
Picnicking in the grass with Daddy:

Grandpa Tommy & Mama:

Mama! My wagon is meant for LITTLE people like me!

I loved playing with my cousin Mandy - she even helped me climb a tree! So I decided to feed her leaves as a reward.

Ridin' high on Grandmama's shoulders before the fireworks started:

Playing some Ring Around the Rosey with my cousins Mandy & Holly - the best part is when we "all fall DOWN!!". Then I roll around on the ground with my feet in the air and say "I'm down!" over and over. It's also everyone else's favorite part - I find that adults need to remember how fun it is to roll around on the ground like a kid again!

Yeah! Watching the end of the fireworks show in Fahad's lap was so much fun! What a great show! I clapped and clapped and said "Yeah!" when it was over. I had such a fun night with my family and friends!

1 comment:
Oh We see how it is. Not even an invite to the Senas (the best couple around), how sad.
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