Last weekend my Aunt Kelly came over to see me (and Mama too probably) and hung out with us for the day. Mama and Kelly didn't think it was that hot outside (boy were they wrong), so we went to the park. Those silly girls had jeans on, of all things! There was a moonwalk at the park so we decided to try it out, but it was awfully crowded in there. I was definitely the littlest (and calmest!) person in there and was just getting bounced all over the place, so I mainly just hung out with Mama and laughed at all the crazy kids in there. After that, we played for a little while at the park, but Mama and Kelly were sweating bullets so we decided that it made much more sense to go and get some ice cream at Bruster's instead. Mama got me some birthday cake ice cream, and the free kid's cone turned out to be WAY too small, so Mama ended up getting me my own scoop. My sweet tooth has finally surfaced full-force! Anyways, I had a great day with my Mama and Auntie, as always! I love my girls!
"Ewwwww! MooooOOOOMMM! Not in front of my friends!!!!"

Bouncy, Bouncy:

Fun on the Swings:

Yummmm! Icing in ice cream! Genius!

Enjoying my day with 2 of my favorite things - ice cream & KellyK!

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