So this morning (Father's Day for Daddy!) we slept a little later than usual. When I woke up, I just knew that it was Daddy's special day, so I was anxious to wake Daddy up with lots of kisses and hugs. Then we brought him his Father's Day cards and the frame that me and Mama worked hard on. Here's how it turned out:
Me and Mama have been talking for weeks about what else we thought Daddy would really like for Father's Day, and I suggested that we get season tickets to the Georgia Aquarium - and Mama thought this was a great idea! But before we could go to the Aquarium, we had to get some breakfast. Daddy chose Flying Biscuit which made me pretty happy too, since it is one of my very favorite breakfast places! We ate lots of eggs, bacon, biscuits and grits and I made friends with the pretty waitresses.

I just cannot shovel these eggs into my mouth any faster!
I made a friend right when we got there who showed me the ropes:
Bye fishies!
Why can't I pet him, Daddy?
Otters are so silly - just like me!
(and yes, that is a paci in my mouth - it was past naptime! It was an act of desperation by my parents.)
I got to pick out a new stuffed animal friend (remember Laila from Mother's Day at the Zoo?). I chose the otter puppet. He makes me laugh:
Otter + Mama = a snuggly good pillow:
We were all getting pretty tired after that, so we headed home where we all took a delicious 3-hour nap and I snuggled with Daddy for a long time (he is so comfy!). Even the thunder storm didn't wake us up. We woke up from our long nap hungry again, and so we took Daddy back to Five Guys for dinner. That is definitely now one of mine and Daddy's favorite places to eat. After stuffing our bellies with yummy food, we played outside for a while and then I had to call it a day. I was pooped!
Daddy, I hope this was one of your favorite days ever because it has been one of mine! I hope I made you feel as special as you make me feel every day - you are the best Daddy a little boy could ever hope to have and I love you with all of my huge heart!
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