It had been ONE whole week since we had been to Los Bravos and we were all going through withdrawal, so when Grandmama came over Sunday we hurried right over for dinner. I have really taken a liking to salsa - I even starting eating it right out of the bowl with a fork! So what if it's spicy - bring it on! Mama and Daddy also discovered, much to their dismay, that I have indeed fallen in love with...... Nascar. It was playing on the TVs over the bar area and I could not stay away! I cannot resist the purr of those engines, the speed of the cars and the wild wrecks. Every time a car would crash or have to get towed off the track, I would say "Uh-oh!" and look to Mama for assurance that everything was okay. I also made some friends at the bar that looked like they have been long-time Nascar fans - one even let me sit in his lap for a few minutes to discuss the racing techniques and strategies of the different drivers (before Mama gets any you're-a-bad-Mama-mail, let me just say that she was sitting right next to me and my new friend, with Daddy 5 feet away too. I was safe!!!). Anyways, it was a great night and on the way home Grandmama suggested we get a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's and we shared that. A perfect way to close out a fun weekend!
Enjoying some chips and salsa with Mama:

Excuse me, I am TRYING to get to the salsa!

Forget it - I am using a fork to get this spicy goodness in me!

Reading books and sharing crushed ice with my sweet Grandmama:

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