Friday I stayed home with Daddy all day to help him pack up the house and so I could be well-rested for the Braves game. It didn't even start until 7:30pm (my bedtime), but I slept a lot during the day so when Mama came and picked us up I was ready to go! We had a fun ride down to Turner Field - we had a lot to talk about and Mama also taught me the Tomahawk Chop. Once we got there I wasn't super interested in watching the game, to be honest, and was a little stunned at the loud announcer and the crowd going crazy, but once I got used to that I loved it. Mostly I loved the stadium itself - I gave Mama a workout going up and down and up and down the stairs. We also made several trips out to the concessions area to see what was going on out there. One time when we were out there I saw a bunch of CFA Cows. I ran over to them saying "Moo! Moo!" but they were on their way somewhere and got on the elevator before I could hug them. Mama and I stood outside the doors and I blew them a huge kiss before the doors closed. From that point on, I decided me and Mama should check every few minutes to see if they might be out there again. Sadly for me, I didn't see them again. Daddy also bought me a tomahawk so I could really chop like a pro! I had a great night! Go Braves!

I am on a mission to find our seats!

Once I got my tomahawk, there was no stopping the chop!

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