Saturday, May 12, 2012

Party at the Park

My friend Reagan is moving to Florida, so we went to a Going Away party for her at the park. We had a blast running around, swinging, eating cupcakes and playing in the water fountain (yep, you read that right). All in all it was a pretty fun afternoon! We'll miss you, Reagan!

Boy, was I ever in a goofy mood today:

The three of us swinging together and seeing who could make the silliest face. I win:

Reagan hopped down so Lilly could hop on:

Time for cupcakes!

Cooper fits right in with my school friends :)

The crew:

It was hot, and we were thirsty. Guess what happened? (brings back memories of this):

And to illustrate just how high-class the Stuckeys are, I decided that I must pee off the bridge into the creek. Right off the main road. And in front of everyone that was just at the party:

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