Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beautiful Day, Moody Boy

Mama and Daddy had this fun-sounding plan to take me to Centennial Park for the afternoon, but I woke up on the wrong side of the crib and just was not in the mood to be social today (or maybe Mama's rotten mood rubbed off on me. When Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. There is a reason for that saying!). I was hot and sweaty, and admittedly acted like I had a corn cob stuck in my diaper for most of the day. I managd to eek out a few smiles (much to the shock of my family!) when I got to run up and down the walls of the fountains, when we watched everyone flying their kites, and when I got to play on the playground. Oh well, here are the few pictures Mama managed to take when I was being halfway cooperative. Thank goodness my sweet family loves me even when I'm not at my best! I really do love you guys, I'm sorry I didn't do my best to show it today!

The family that loves me even when I'm being a bit of a pill:

Running the walls to blow off some steam (is that a SMILE???):

Could I BE any more chill?

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