Saturday, September 25, 2010

Party at the Waddells!

After my soccer debut, we got in the car and headed down to Newnan to hang out with some friends at the Waddells' house. We had a blast - played football, watched football, turned into complete maniacs in their big fun playroom and ate some yummy food (who knew I liked baked beans? No one, before tonight when I saw Jacob eat them. Then I HAD to have some too). We all had a really great time, and me and Coop made some new friends, too!

Chowing down at the Big Kid table (me, Drew, Anna Claire, Raegan and Jacob):

Drew was pretty excited about taking this picture:

Miss Amy even had Capri Suns for us kids - I had never had one before and it was love at first sip!

Cooper really wanted to be at the table with us big kids:

But he found a comfy seat at the toddler table (Cooper, Hudson, Kathryn and Lydia):

We didn't want to leave and I insisted I wasn't even a tiny bit tired, but as soon as our fannies hit the car seat we were out cold the whole way home:

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