Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let's Celebrate Bebe!

Tomorrow is our sweet Bebe's birthday, so this morning we set out to take her to one of her favorite places for breakfast - Cracker Barrel! After a terrifically huge meal, she shared some of her birthday dessert with us and then we headed to play at Chick-fil-A's playground for a while before it was time to go. We had a great time with our family and especially making Bebe feel special because we are all crazy about her! We love you so much Bebe! Happy Birthday!

Getting some tickles from Papa after breakfast. He makes me laugh so hard I can't get my breath:

Bebe always wears such fun necklaces and I am trying my best to learn to play with them gently but it's tough:

Mmmm, "divinity" you say? Let's just see how this stuff tastes:

Yep, it's awesome. Now Cooper wants in:

Now that Bebe has fed her grandbabies, she surprises her own baby with a bite of yummy dessert:

Sliding down at Chick-fil-A with Mama:

And here comes Cooper with a new buddy:

Look at my climbing skills!

I kissed Bebe about 30 times through this net - extra birthday kisses! I would kiss her, turn around and walk away, and then come running back to the net for another smooch!

And every time I came down the slide, I wanted to jump in Bebe's lap and bounce onto the floor before I took off for another round:

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