Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Wonderful Aquarium

Today was rainy and yuck outside, which made for a perfect day to visit the Aquarium. This was the first time we have gone when Cooper could explore a little, and I think he pretty much loved it. A great way to spend our Sunday morning, visiting all of our fish friends!

Seriously, I know he's my little brother and I'm not really supposed to say things like this, but dang, how cute is this kid?

I spent most of the day on Daddy's shoulders - the best way for a 3-footer to see the fish!

Hey! Fishies! I'm down here! See? Fishies! Look at me! Doesn't it look like I am inside the tank with you? I really wish I was, actually. And they just look sort of annoyed. They're like, hey kid go bang on the jellyfish window and leave us alone.

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