Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Fancy Dinner with the Senas

My wonderful Aunt Lucy & Uncle Jeremy came over on Labor Day to enjoy the treat of a Monday off. We went to a fancy restaurant in Virginia Highlands where we had tapas - this was quite an experience, especially for the picky eaters in the group (read: me & Mama). One thing was definitely a huge hit with both of us - melanga chips. They were delicious!

Ugh, some of this food was just too spicy/fancy/strange for my little taste buds:

Mmmmm, melanga chips - finally some tapas I can get on board with!

After dinner, we all went to get some gelato at Paulo's and walked around Virginia Highlands, completely covered in delicious gelato - it was melting faster than I could get it into my mouth. Lucky for me, Mama's provided me with an excellent bib/napkin - her shirt.

What the heck is so funny y'all?

Mama knows how important it is to get every last drop of stuff that's this delicious:

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