Saturday, August 10, 2013

Our First Try at Fishing!

Uncle George and Aunt Marilyn invited us up to their house in Highlands, NC to try fishing in a little lake near their house.  We have actually never gotten a chance to really put our fishing poles to work since we practiced in the back yard last year.  It was a perfect day to give it a shot, and although we cheated a little bit  by baiting them with corn kernels, we managed to catch 3 fish!

Daddy giving me a lesson on casting:

Check out how far I cast my line - I was very proud of myself!

I decided pretty early on that fishing wasn't for me - I couldn't stand to see the fish struggling on the ground while everyone tried to get the hook out of their mouths to toss them back into the water.  Plus it requires patience, and um, I'm four :)   So I wandered around and was my usual loud,  affectionate, social self:

Helping Uncle George pick out the right equipment from the tackle box:

Spending some quality time with Papa:

Got one!!!

And it's a beaut!

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