Isn't the cake that Bebe made for me awesome???

Admittedly this day didn't start off great. I got plenty of sleep last night, but I guess I rolled out of the wrong side of the bed because I was not being my sweetest to everyone. Nevertheless, we all ventured out with Grandmama, Bebe & Papa to Fernbank. We saw some pretty cool stuff, but that still wasn't enough to perk me up.
Then we tried heading to go see Ice Age at the movies. This turned out to be a good distraction, except for when Cooper decided to have an explosion all over Mama's lap mid-movie. So there she was, pants covered in orange poo, Cooper screaming (for some reason he wasn't happy about having poo covering his back all the way to his hairline. Go figure.). It took about 52 wipes to get it all off of Cooper and Mama and I think at that point we all wanted to call it a day, but dagummit, there was a party to be had!
So after the movie we headed home so Mama & Daddy could cook and I could get a (yeah right) nap.
I didn't actually nap, but having some alone time in my room sure did cheer me up - I emerged from my "nap" a new boy! From there on, we had a wonderful night. We ate some great food, I got a ton of awesome presents and happily visited with all of our guests. After blowing out the candles on my cool rocket ship cake, we headed outside to have a water gun war and to blow huge bubbles.
A perfect way to end what turned out to be a great day!
Doesn't Cooper seem pumped about my birthday party?

A chocolate chip waffle to start the day. Please no comments about how this isn't "real" food.

Papa and Cooper snuggling:

Cooper, after being stripped out of his poo-covered outfit. Daddy tried so hard to keep him happy, but it was no use.

Back home in a clean outfit and in the arms of Grandmama. A rare moment of quiet for my little brother today:

Let's eat!

Time for presents!

Bebe and Papa got me a workbench with a ton of power tools. I immediately strapped on my goggles and started sawing the house apart:

I decided that goggles were needed for the hazardous job of opening the rest of my gifts:

Finally! Time for cake! And I know how to eat some cake.
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