Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Aquarium Visit with Vicky!

Vicky (who Mama met while she lived in Australia) came all the way from London to surprise Mama on her 30th birthday - Daddy had arranged a big special surprise birthday party for her with friends from all over! It was really super.

Anyways, one of the things Vicky wanted to see while she was here was the Aquarium, and of course I was more than happy to show her around since it is one of my favorite spots. Mama had been really sick and so the doctor insisted that she be in a wheelchair for the week while she recovered - which was a lot of fun for me, as you can imagine! I love anything with wheels.

Riding into the Aquarium in style:

Boy I love to see my friend every time we go to the Aquarium!

Enough pictures, can we just go see some more fish already?

Yes, it is what you think it is. A time-out in the middle of lunch, right in the booth. Really, a meal just isn't a meal without at least one tantrum:

Can I get any closer to the fish? I want to pet them:

Whoa! So much to see:

Daddy and me studying the fish up close:

Boy, that was a great day! C'mon Vicky, let's head back home. (And do you see the cute little otter that Vicky got me from the Aquarium? He was an instant favorite!):

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