Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween at Mama's Office

It's time to Trick-or-Treat at Mama's office again! And this year was even better because Grandmama came with us too! It was finally cold enough for Cooper to wear his monkey costume and to everyone's surprise, he loved wearing the monkey ears. The morning was a huge, fun success - we got buckets full of candy and treats, I webbed almost everyone I saw, I got to play with my friends (who also dressed up as superheroes), we got to hang out with our family and even have a special breakfast together!

A happy monkey with his Grandmama:

Making one of my many stops for some loot:

Cooper got in on the action too:

Enjoying the fruit of my labor:

No smiling, Mama. Spiderman and Trick-or-Treating is very serious business!

Yeah, this is the best shot Mama could get of us together. Cooper was too darned excited about the contents of his bucket to sit still. But really, who could blame him?

Spiderman's work never stops - not even for Trick-or-Treating:

Oh what a cute, happy little monkey and his sweet Grandmama!

Enjoying some breakfast after all that hard work:

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