Saturday, October 23, 2010

Guess Who Played Some Soccer?


I needed Mama out there with me while we practiced, but I got out there and loved it! I even volunteered to start in the game! It was a little overwhelming, but I got a couple of kicks in and did some pretty great throw-ins too! I felt like a super-star and it was awesome. And yes, Daddy took half a million pictures - it was a big day!

I came out here ready to practice some soccer! Coach, watch this kick!

Practicing throw-ins with my team...and Mama:

C'mon, Mama! Let me show you how to dribble. See if you can keep up with me.

Check out my technique:

Meanwhile, Cooper was more interested in taking Raj's hat than my skills on the field:

Look at me go! Can you tell I am loving this?

Lining up for my first-ever kickoff to start in my first-ever game:

And one of my many excellent throw-ins!

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