Friday, July 25, 2014

Pre-K Field Day!

It felt like the hottest day of the year today, but that didn't stop us from having Field Day!  Big brother and Mama even came to cheer me on and participate with me too!

First was a Sponge Relay Race - our team had to soak up the water in our bucket with the sponge, then run to another bucket and squeeze the water out.  Whoever filled up their bucket first won!

Now for some Tug of War!

Go Cooper!

Mama even joined me for a 3-Legged Race!  We won!

Now for an Obstacle Course:

But there was a bigger obstacle in my path than I was expecting - my brother!

And last but not least, a Sack Race!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Lunch with Mama

Mama came to pick me up during water play today (that is me laying down making water angels):

And we drove down to her office to have a lunch date:

I got a cup full of gummies - my favorite! - before heading back to school:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fishing with Grandpa Tommy

This morning we drove with Grandpa Tommy down to Mansfield to try and see if we could catch enough fish for dinner:

I am not too interested in fishing but I am interested in running around and picking up feathers!

And I caught one!  Turned out to be the only one of the day too...

Me and Mama spent a lot of time exploring the land around the lake - it was pretty awesome:

Having a chat with Grandpa Tommy on the dock - I love picking out different toys (lures) to put on the hook for everyone:

And I was lucky enough to let all the crickets loose once we were done fishing!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bowling Birthday Party!

My party day is finally here!  I love to bowl and haven't been in a while, so a bowling party sounded perfect to me!

Sean rode with us and helped us get everything inside:

My Star Wars cookie cake:

And all the Star Wars decorations, complete with goofy labels for all the food:

We played some arcade games while we waited on everyone to arrive:

And now time to bowl!

Me and my buddy Alejandro:

And there goes Nadira!

After an hour of bowling, we were all hungry and ready to have some snacks and cake:

Thinking of a really great wish:

And for party favors, we gave everyone homemade light sabers and an all-out battle broke out - it was awesome!

Back home and ready to open presents!

And lost in my new book almost immediately:

And I got an awesome storm trooper suit from Papa & Bebe!

The next hour was spent putting together all of my Lego kits:

And this was just for goofy fun:

Friday, July 11, 2014

Time With Our Awesome Uncle Dan & Laura!

Lucky for us our Uncle Dan and his girlfriend Laura came to visit for a couple of days...we love spending time with them so much and try to soak up every minute!

I am crazy about Laura and love her for taking time to play with me - we had a lot of fun doing this puzzle together:

And Uncle Dan and I had a long involved conversation about battles:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!

EIGHT years old - how is that even possible?  I already feel so much more mature (ha!).  And as usual, I got to choose where we had dinner...and I chose Golden Corral, much to my parents' dismay.  But I got pizza, mac & cheese, a potato AND a bowl of chocolate covered marshmallows so why wouldn't I love this place?

Opening my present from Coop:

Chowing down:

Oh messy marshmallows, how I love you:

Once again, Mama thinks we'll take a normal "brother" picture - why does she continue to try?  This is what we gave her:

And this and my crazed little brother...I'd like to say that he's not normally like this, but that would be a lie :)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Playing some football with Grandpa Tommy:

Being goofy and snuggly with Mama:

I put my glow sticks behind my ears and succeeded in making Uncle Zach laugh:

And I borrowed Grandpa Tommy's hat for a bit and looked pretty stinkin adorable according to Aunt Kira and Mama: