Daddy had to go to Vermont for work for the week and what a week it was! We realized Monday that we needed an extra carseat to put in Papa & Bebe's car when they came to hang out with us. Crud! So we went to Target - no dice. So then we headed up to Babies R Us and found one that was perfect (or so we thought). You'll see why it wasn't so perfect at the end of the post. Big time Mama Fail.
Doing what we do best:
And we couldn't leave before a little of this nonsense:
So happy about a new carseat that I actually kissed the box - completely unprompted:
Enjoying a giant cookie slice after dinner at the mall:
Little cookie monsters:
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the handsomest one of all?
Who knew the Disney store played movies? We didn't until today!
A few races before we headed back to get in the car:
So...when Mama pulled out my new carseat when we got home that night, she discovered it was PINK - my LEAST FAVORITE COLOR! Somehow we both completely missed the picture on the box. Big time sad face. And this is the face I made to her every morning that I had to sit my can in this awful thing. Once Daddy got back home, we went and exchanged it for a proper boy-colored one:
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