Monday, October 31, 2011


It's time again for one of our favorite holidays of the year - Halloween! Dressed as our favorite characters and armed with our light-up skeleton swords, we were ready to visit some of our sweet neighbors and Trick or Treat!

Lucky for us, Uncle Zach & Aunt Kira came over to join in the fun!

Oh, and Mama & Daddy were there too :)

One of the things we love so much is how many of our neighbors deck their houses out with fun Halloween stuff - that is almost as cool for us as getting candy!


Good grief! What is taking so long for this guy to answer the door?

"I've never met you, but I love you because you have a dinosaur attached to your house!"

I'm pretty sure Uncle Zach loves me. A lot.

"Holy COW - did you SEE how much candy she just gave me??!?!!!?"

We had a lot of fun chatting with one of our new neighbors. And checking out all of his fun decorations!

"Uncle Zach - there is a dancing ghost and skeleton above your head!"

There is no way we are going to skip this house just because of a few strips of Caution tape!

Uncle Zach had been jealous of my Scooby face hat all night, so I finally let him wear it for a while:

This sweet lady talked to us for a long time and thought we were pretty darned cute!

"Uh, guys? I'm not sure this thing has a face."

A prime demonstration of knee-bending patience for a 2-year-old. Impressed?

One of our last houses...

Oh, how I love my Aunt Kira! Isn't she pretty?

Back at the house to bathe in our loot! And to knaw on some weird gummy snake. We're all a little punchy at this point.

Happiness is a pile of candy:

And getting to have a treat right before bed:

I just can't decide which piece to choose!

I GUESS I'll share some candy with you!!

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