Today we played hooky with Mama and headed for the Zoo first thing in the morning. It was perfect - it rained the night before so there was hardly anyone there, and all of the animals were awake and having breakfast. Easily our best trip to the Zoo yet! After that we all went and ate at Savage Pizza where they even had toys for us to play with. What a fun day!
Thing 2 is ready to head out!
We need blue wigs:
I did this little move all on my own:
Leaving the slowpokes in the dust while I race to see the elephants:
Can you see the elephant eating breakfast?
Locking eyes with my new buddy:
"Guys guys GUYS! I found the LION! Do you SEE IT?!!?!?"
The most awesome of our animal visits. These gorillas stayed right next to us at the glass the whole time we were in there. We watched them eat and studied their hands which look just like mine!
I wonder what he's thinking about?
This goat looks pretty perturbed, so I tried rubbing his back to cheer him up:
Hey, lighten up already! This is awesome!

This guy has it made - getting a back rub while he eats his lunch:
I decided to become "one" with the goats and put some hay in my hair:
Petting a snoozing pig:
Mama's favorite picture of the day:
Getting out the incredibly awesome toys they had at Savage Pizza:
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