After our Easter celebration at home, we packed up and headed to Papa & Bebe's house to spend the rest of the day with our wonderful family. I was greeted with hugs, kisses and ANOTHER Easter basket from the Easter Bunny! Our fun afternoon included playing outside, eating candy, watching the Braves, flying parachute men off the back deck, eating a wonderful lunch, dying eggs and just enjoying spending the day together. My favorite Easter yet!
Books, candy, stickers, balls and cookies - the Easter Bunny knows just what I love!
Running the rocket back to Papa for another cul-de-sac launch:
Eating cashews and reading my new book from the Easter Bunny with Daddy:
Man oh man! Another Easter basket - this one arrived with Grandmama! And it was a firetruck - the Easter Bunny sure knows me well!
Finally - time to start the big Hunt:
Is it just me or is there a belly button following me?
That Easter Bunny sure has a sense of humor - there was an egg on the bird feeder!
Learning some batting tips (please take note of the tongue):
I thought Mama needed some Easter stickers on her face and shirt. Now, doesn't she look pretty?

Enjoying some Braves head-to-head with Uncle Zach:
Now for coloring Easter eggs with Daddy, Bebe and Aunt Kira:
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