Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bunny Ears on a Braves Hat

I don't really know that this post needs any more explanation, except to say that I insisted on this ensemble for school today.

Daddy's car needs some more color - as in more stickers! Notice my puppy from Miss Teacup :)


Monday, April 27, 2009

Miss Teacup the Clown

On Monday nights at the CFA near our house, Miss Teacup comes to visit. It is always a lot of fun - she paints on us kids and even makes us balloon animals! So far, my only request has been snakes for my arms. I am a little more adventurous with my balloon requests - dogs and a fish! Miss Teacup is so nice and can draw really good too. I love watching to see what the other kids ask to have painted on them and we discuss our choices in great detail with each other. A wonderful way to end a busy Monday!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Putting My Handyman Skills to Work

As a special present to Mama & Daddy, I slept until 10am on Saturday (!!!), so needless to say everyone in our house was in a super happy mood to start our weekend! Our morning started with building a glider with Mr. Andy at Lowe's. I am getting quite good at hammering nails, if I do say so myself! It even came with a little man to fly the glider, which I could not stop talking about the whole time. I really love working on these projects, and look forward to them even more as I get more and more practice over the weeks.

Now that the glider is complete, it's time to help Daddy pick out wood for mine and Cooper's closet. I have to show Daddy the best way to put the wood in the cart:

My favorite part of most any shopping trip - riding!

Hmmm, we need a piece of wood 24"x36" - let me just get my handy tape measure out and see if this will work:

Looks good - let's load it up and hit the road!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Afternoon

After our Easter celebration at home, we packed up and headed to Papa & Bebe's house to spend the rest of the day with our wonderful family. I was greeted with hugs, kisses and ANOTHER Easter basket from the Easter Bunny! Our fun afternoon included playing outside, eating candy, watching the Braves, flying parachute men off the back deck, eating a wonderful lunch, dying eggs and just enjoying spending the day together. My favorite Easter yet!

Books, candy, stickers, balls and cookies - the Easter Bunny knows just what I love!

Running the rocket back to Papa for another cul-de-sac launch:

Papa's still got the moves!

Eating cashews and reading my new book from the Easter Bunny with Daddy:

Man oh man! Another Easter basket - this one arrived with Grandmama! And it was a firetruck - the Easter Bunny sure knows me well!

Finally - time to start the big Hunt:

Is it just me or is there a belly button following me?

That Easter Bunny sure has a sense of humor - there was an egg on the bird feeder!

Learning some batting tips (please take note of the tongue):

I thought Mama needed some Easter stickers on her face and shirt. Now, doesn't she look pretty?

Enjoying some Braves head-to-head with Uncle Zach:

Now for coloring Easter eggs with Daddy, Bebe and Aunt Kira:

The final product - I am quite the artist!

Easter Morning at Home

Happy Easter!

The morning started off with my discovery of the Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left for Mama, Daddy and me! After that, Mama and Daddy told me that the Bunny came and hid some surprises in our yard for me to find. I was so anxious to get outside that I didn't even want to put shoes on, but finally agreed to wear shoes with my PJs when I figured out that arguing about it was keeping me inside. It was so much fun finding the eggs around the yard with Mama & Daddy and a wonderful way to start the celebration of Jesus' special day!

The Easter Bunny even came up to our front door!

That Easter Bunny thinks he was sneaky, but not sneaky enough!

I think I found them all!

Friday, April 10, 2009

One Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed

Well, it's hard to capture the jumping with Mama's phone, but this was taken fresh after a landing. This happens to be one of my new favorite pastimes - "jumping" on Mama & Daddy's bed (which really means bucking like a horse on all fours, then falling on my side laughing hysterically).

Also, please take note of my bruised big toenail. This grave injury happened at least 2 months ago when I dropped one of my trucks on my toe, and it has been a favorite topic of conversation ever since. I love to say "poor toenail" while shaking my head sadly. For some reason, Mama and Daddy find this quite funny, but I'm here to tell you that there is nothing funny about a blackened toenail!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This is what you call my "Mama-don't-wake-me-at-7am-for-school-because-I-am-happily-knocked-out" pose. Notice my fingers holding my striped foot. Don't you mind that binky in my mouth - it's only there when I'm sleeping. Not that I don't WANT it at other times, but we're working on it. Just focus your attention on the awesome hair and the cute booty sticking up in the air!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter with Friends

On Friday, Mama's friend Katie invited a bunch of friends over to her mom's house to have an Easter party - complete with an Easter egg hunt, bunny ears and lots of yummy food! I had a blast hunting for Easter eggs, eating Cheetos, running around the lake and I also made a couple of new friends. It was such a fun morning and a great way to kick off such a special holiday to celebrate Jesus!

Alright, yes, it is a DOLL house. But my new buddy Will was playing with it and geepers, it was fun, okay? This doesn't take away from my masculinity one tiny bit, thankyouverymuch:

Time to decorate cupcakes:

And now for the best part - eating them!

Some of the fun kids that were there - Emma Kate (Art & Katie's daughter), Jacob and Anna Claire (Amy & Chris Waddell's kids):

Miss Katie was even gracious enough to let me have some bunny ears - I saw them laying on the counter and I said "Mama, can I please be a bunny?". And then Mama helped me put the ears on and I loved it! Miss Katie insisted I keep them - isn't she super?

I wanted to keep them on for the ride back home too - especially so Mama could get a picture of me with her phone so that she could show Daddy: