Christmas is here! Where do I start? Well, how about the first conversation I had moments after waking:
Mama: "It's Christmas morning, honey! Do you think Santa came to our house last night?"
Me: "Yesss! He came down the CHIMNEY!"
Mama: "What do you think he did once he got inside?"
Me: "Mama, he brought me PRESENTS!"
So, I get it. This is the first Christmas I have understood what all the fuss was about Santa. We also talked alot about Jesus's birthday and his Mama and Daddy. I can tell it is going to be an exciting day!!!
Here is me opening presents throughout Christmas day - from Santa, Mama & Daddy and my wonderful family!
All that opening presents has made me hungry! Mama made us monkey bread for breakfast, just like her Mama (my Bebe) used to do! Yum:
I love my new fire engine ball!
Time to give the puppies their Christmas treats! And to let Daddy share his Reese tree with me:
Sadly, we got some terrible news Christmas morning. I accidentally gave Bebe my strep throat, and she felt so sick that she couldn't come over. We were all so sad - I knew firsthand how awful she must feel. Papa decided to come on over to be with us on Christmas, but everyone missed our Bebe so much. We will make up for lost time on Sunday, when we go to her house to celebrate! You were missed very much, Bebe and we all love you so much and feel just awful that you felt too yucky to come over.
Papa was the first to arrive, so of course I had to show him my new car garage:
Grandmama, Debbie and Mama in the kitchen, making us some delicious dinner:
Time to take a break from cooking to open some presents!
Mama and Daddy are having a great day, huh?
Hmm, the car elevator on my car garage needs tweaking - let me offer some insight:

I love to laugh with my family - especially when they tickle me and hang me upside down!
Cuddling with Mama after everyone had gone home - and having one last cookie before bedtime:
I think everyone will get a good night's sleep after this big day - especially Huddy and Molly:
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