Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

On Christmas Eve, we went to Grandmama and Aunt Sara's house to have dinner together and bake Christmas cookies. Uncle Zach made us some spectacular spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner, and then it was time to start the cookies. I helped roll, cut and decorate the cookies, but to be honest, the thing that held my attention the best was eating the sprinkles. I ate them by the capful (you know you would too, if you could use the fact that you were 2 1/2 as an excuse!).

This is one of the family's favorite picture of my Daddy when he was little. Grandmama loved showing it to me and explaining it was Daddy when he was a little boy (this blew my mind a bit):

Once we got back home, I got to pick one present from under the tree to open. I chose this one and it turned out to be a puppy dog book called Once I Ate a Pie! We read it a couple of times before bed and it is now one of my favorite books!

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