Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Gone Fishin

Miss Lindsay and Mama came to pick us up at lunch today for a surprise trip to the lake for a picnic and some fishing!  We were a tiny bit excited:

We were antsy to get to fishing and feeding the ducks, but we had to eat at least a little first:

Now a lesson in wrapping live worms on a hook by Miss Lindsay:

And yeah, Mama even took care of mine for me!

Here I go...and let me just go ahead and say that I caught zilch for the hour we were out there and was sorely disappointed:

Meanwhile, me and Blake were happy to collect feathers and feed the ducks:

Miss Lindsay caught one! (queue the jealousy):

Well, at least we were enjoying each other's company :)

Hauling most of my lunch into the lake at this point:

A quick climb of a tree before we get back in the van to go back to school - what a fun break for all of us!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Party Time at Rockbridge Adventures

We headed down to Peachtree City for my friend Noah's birthday party at one of the coolest places I've ever been - an indoor gym with all kinds of Wipeout-style games - we had a blast!

This was a favorite - we must have jumped into the foam pit at least 27 times:

We also loved the giant Wipeout balls - this one is worth watching until the end:

I could not get enough of this!

Made it!

We took a break from the play area and had a ball battle:

And I even convinced Mama to jump with me a few times:

She loved it :)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

Today we got to make the day all about making our awesome Daddy feel special and loved!  We made him some incredible cards, got him a couple of presents, and then we took him on a picnic at Kennesaw Mountain and hiked to the top.  It was the first mountain the four of us have climbed together and we loved it!  After that, we went and bought a new car to replace the Element (!!) and finished the day with a Mexican dinner.  Quite the action-packed day and we were all happily exhausted at the end of it - we just had so much fun celebrating Daddy!

Ready to go!

C'mon Mama!

Stopping for a quick snuggle on the way up:

Almost to the top!

Whew!  We made it!!  Asking me to look at the camera is a tall order, so this will just have to do!

Admiring the view:

Playing a quick game of checkers before we head out:

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day With Mama (a little rough, but at least we were all together right?)

Mama took the day off to take us to a movie and to spend the day with us...and let's just say it was a bit of a rocky day - everyone was just kind of in a funk for some reason.  We did make it to the movie after almost losing the privilege several times...and then went to McDonald's for lunch because Mama needed for us to burn off some of our bad mood on the playground there.  Lucky for all of us, it worked!  We ended the day on a happy note and had lots of snuggle time to make up for our rough start :)   Even on days where things don't go as planned, we're together and there is no place we'd rather be!

Chowing down on some popcorn:

Trying our hardest to make Mama laugh - our M.O. is we apologize and then we work hard to make you's sort of impossible to stay upset with us :)

Happy sigh...home and all snuggled on the couch together:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Where Do Pants Go Again?

When we got to the pool after school today, Mama turned around and saw where our swim trunks ended up:

And the next day, we came downstairs in only underwear - which means every *clean* pair of underwear we own: