Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome Bella!!!

A co-worker of Mama's developed a cat allergy and needed to find a home for her cat named Bella.  We all let the idea of having a 2nd cat in the house roll around in our heads for a while (well, really just Mama & Daddy - us boys wanted her from the get-go!), and also waited to see if another person would take Bella in...and it never happened.  So, we told her we'd be happy to bring her to our house to be apart of our family - we had no idea how CHUNKY this kitty was (this picture doesn't do her enormous belly justice) and how talkative and all-around awesome she was!  Needless to say, we are all so happy that she ended up with us (although sadly Stirling is still on the fence about all of this...)!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

While Daddy's Away, Mama and the Boys Will Play!

Daddy went to Virginia with Uncle Zach and Aunt Kira to visit Uncle Dan and Laura - so Mama had us all to herself all weekend!  We had a great time together - lots of playing and eating!

Getting sprayed by Mama while running around the back yard in our underwear (were you really surprised?):

Now it's my turn to get big brother - those shields won't protect you!

The next morning, we stopped at Waffle House for some amazing breakfast:

Yes, that is a chocolate chip waffle plus a load of sugar I dumped on it.  Look how proud I am of myself:

Now off to a nice, shady playground!

We could not get enough of this tire swing!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Picnic + Feeding the Ducks at Mama's Work!

Today Mama and Miss Lindsay surprised me and my buddy Blake by picking us up from school to take us on a picnic!  We were too excited to eat much, but I did manage to eat my pear and a few bites of chicken.  After that, it was time to feed the ducks and play in the dirt!


Having a serious talk with Miss Lindsay:

Now to capture the perfect shot of Miss Lindsay and Blake!

The ducks looked hungry so we stopped our lunch to go and feed them:

Then I found some baby geese:

And we noticed this mama keeping her eggs warm in an old boat, so we gave her plenty of bread too:

Of course we wanted our picture taken in front of the bobcat!

Now to climb a pile of dirt and mulch:

So strong!

Looking cute:

One picture of the 4 of us before we have to get back to our normal day :(

Monday, April 21, 2014

Battle in the Back Yard

Sometimes when we get home from school, we just need a good battle - and we like to ambush Daddy in the back yard after he's finished mowing the lawn!

Trying to use this chair as a shield - didn't work!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Afternoon

The Easter bunny made a stop at Papa & Bebe's house too!

Loving my new Bible:

Mmmmmm Bebe sure can cook!

Now for the hunt!

Egg-dyeing time:

Our awesome family!