What lucky little boys we are - while Mama and Daddy went to Florida for a wedding, we got to spend 4 whole days with our wonderful Papa & Bebe! I'm pretty sure we kept them on their toes, but that they also had a lot of fun with us! We even got to have them all to ourselves on their special day - Grandparents Day! We love you both so much!
Going on a little hike at a park near our house:
Have I mentioned that I love my baby brother to pieces?
See ya!
It's another beautiful day, so let's head to the Zoo! I even got to hold a parakeet on a peanut-butter coated stick. How awesome is that?
Yeah, Big Brother, that's pretty cool but get rid of the bird already and let me munch on that stick!
The panda bears put on quite a show for us - we laughed while we watched the Mama and her baby play and eat:
Getting a free ride with my strong Papa - it's times like these that I'm happy to still be small!
We had a yummy picnic lunch too, and spent a lot of time throwing sticks into the lake. Because we're boys and that's what makes us happy:
Time to hang out with some goats!
What? They looked like they needed a hug.

At the Zoo playground - do we run straight to the swings? The see-saw? Slides? Nah. We sit on the ground and dump wood chips on each other's heads.

Our new friend has no idea what to make of our shenanigans:
Snuggling up with Bebe with a favorite book. Life is good!
Tackling Papa on our bunk bed. He loves it!

A special lunch at Zucca on Grandparents Day. Pasta and football and family - we are in heaven!
Whatchoo looking at?
And here's how I do it - way more fun than eating pasta the "right" way!

I know how to get a good smile out of my Papa!