Snoozing on the way to Seagrove Beach:
Checking out the porch and ready to go to the beach!
First things first - time for a sand castle!
I, on the other hand, am not so sure about sand. I think I'll keep a safe distance up on my chair. And try not to land on my face:
Having a little mid-morning snack under the tent:
I recruited Daddy to help me build my first castle:
Alright, I'm warming up to the sand a little. This is kind of awesome:
Leaving Daddy to tend to the castle for now - I'm working making some roads for my cement mixer:

I'm ready to jump into some waves!
Cozy afternoon snooze:
I just stayed in my PJs when we went out to crab hunt - I'm not so interested in the water anyways:
Being a complete goofball. Oh, if only there was a video to accompany these next few pictures!
I am pretty much in love with the ocean!

Looking a little concerned about crab hunting. Daddy is assuring me it will be super fun!
A kiss:
Looking like an expert in the first minutes of the big hunt!
Got one!

Look how many we got just a few minutes into our first hunt!
Off into the sunset to find some more: