Saturday, April 30, 2011

Touch a Truck

This morning we walked down the street to Touch a Truck - which I was really excited when we were talking about it. That changed a bit when we actually got there. Maybe it was because it was so dang loud, or that there were a ton of people packed into a tiny space, or that it was hot. Probably a combination of all three. Either way, we did get to see some cool stuff before we called it quits and made our way back home. Maybe next year...

This awesome truck was like a huge vacuum cleaner for giant pieces of metal and rocks. The guy in the vest did several demonstrations and we were entranced!

Listening intently to Mr. Fireman:

Wonder what happens when I turn this dial?

Hanging out in the back of an ambulance:

Alright, let's head out. Cooper's face says it all.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


This is a new favorite pastime of mine - storytelling. I get myself so tickled during the stories that I am often impossible to understand, but my friends don't seem to mind. Every day they ask for more stories about Corporal Cooper & Corporal Harrison, and I happily dive right in. Here's a sneak peek - if you're real lucky, maybe you can hear a full-length one sometime!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter at Papa & Bebe's

The Easter bunny came here too, you say???

Look at all this stuff the Easter bunny brought. And yes, the perfect place for the frog is on my curly head.

I loved everything the bunny brought me - especially this "yo-yo":

And then I got to give Papa & Bebe their Easter basket:

And of course, we have to bring out our favorite Papa & Bebe House Toys - the swords:

On Guard!!

A little pre-lunch snack with Aunt Sara:

Showing Mama how to make a good block tower:

Let the hunt begin!

Good find, Uncle Zach! Now bring it over here to my basket:

Getting a lift from Aunt Kira:

I found one in the fence too, Aunt Sara!

On a mission:

Papa, look!

Hustling to get to the egg I spotted before big brother does!

Um, I saw that first. Give it.

Looking over our loot with Uncle Zach:

Time to dye some eggs:

Egg dying requires extreme focus:

Almost done. And covered in egg dye. Happy Easter!

Easter Morning

The Easter bunny came this morning and brought us some fun treats:

Ooooooh! How to Train Your Dragon! Molly looks jealous:

Hmmmm, what do we have here?

This is what eating chocolate looks like 8 minutes after rolling out of bed:

Let the hunt begin!

Carefully putting my prizes in my basket:

I am SO proud of myself!

Have I mentioned that Grandmama got us a new playhouse? It was too heavy to move into the backyard (for now), so the Easter bunny made sure to hide some eggs in here too:


I've been doing some hard work too!

'scuse me Molly, things to do:

Uh, I found another one!

I'll blow past the obvious ones and leave those for Cooper! Or maybe I just didn't see them.

Technically Molly is listening since her bottom is still on the top step:

Let's check out what we got:


Man these baskets are heavy! Let's get inside and rest.