Sunday, April 18, 2010

Splish Splash

This is what we do now when I have pulled the plug and the water is draining out of our bath. Please watch how my brother throws his head back when he laughs. It is one of the greatest things in the world.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Shoes on My Feet!

Oh, it is time for my first pair of shoes. I am getting very interested in walking and realizing that these feet that are attached to my chunky legs are good for more than chewing on! How cute is this?

Night at the Drive-In

Today I got an extra-special treat - we got to go see How to Train Your Dragon at the drive-in! I took a long nap this afternoon, and so I was ready for a late night. Once we finally got there, we played for a while until I skinned my knee (the same thing happened the last time we came here - playing on concrete must have something to do with it?).

We sat and ate our picnic in the back of Daddy's car, and then I waited very impatiently for the sun to go down so the movie would start (I even started to panic a little, saying "Mama? Daddy? I don't think it's going to go down!" even though they kept assuring me that it would). Once the movie started, it got a little chilly, but we had blankets to snuggle under, and Cooper slept on Mama the entire movie, which I loved and commentated on the entire time.

It was pretty much a perfect night.

Can you find the cute little monkey in this picture?

Here I am!

Mama decided to join me in my playpen:

Now it's picnic time (it was a little less windy in the back of Daddy's car):

Cooper is pumped about his Cheerios:

Waiting on that dang sun to go down:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter, Part II

After our morning Easter egg hunt at our house, it was off to Papa & Bebe's for more Easter fun. The Easter bunny came there too and brought us even more fun stuff. We spent the afternoon playing soccer, telling stories, hunting for eggs, dying eggs and eating a bunch of delicious food. A very wonderful day!

Checking out our new toys from the Easter bunny:

Wait, this tastes like plastic...

Cooper loves his Bebe:

Playing some soccer in the living room before lunch:

Even Great-Grandmama got in on the action:

More Easter baskets! Apparently, the Easter bunny came to Grandmama's house too, so Aunt Sara brought them to us. Guess he didn't know we would be at Bebe's this afternoon:

Aunt Sara read one of the new books that came in my basket:

Time to find some eggs!

The audience, watching us hard at work:

Now it's time to dye some Easter eggs. You're not quite old enough yet, Cooper! But I like your enthusiasm.

And last but not least - Bebe made a special Bunny cake! She brought it in to show me before she cut it, and of course I just assumed I should take the first bite, so I did! Luckily this made her laugh - I like making Bebe laugh:

Easter, Part I

Today as soon as I got out of bed, I walked into the living room and found out that the Easter Bunny had paid me and Cooper a visit last night! After exploring our Easter baskets, I went outside to find all the candy-filled eggs that he had hidden around our yard while Cooper and Mama and Daddy watched. There were so many that I had to get Mama to carry my basket near the end, but I think I found every single one! I can't wait until next year when Coop can look with me!

Even a SPIDERMAN one? How does the Easter bunny know me so well?

I didn't even step on Mama's flowers. You're welcome.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Silly Boys

Most of our time at home includes a lot of silliness, especially on the weekends. Here's a quick snippet of a few moments in the Stuckey house...

Lions on the prowl. And no, Cooper doesn't have rubber bands around his wrists:

I know it looks like I am hating this kiss, but it is actually one of my favorite things in the world:

Big brother insisted on doing my sunscreen for me before we went outside. I think he did a heckuva job!

Friday, April 2, 2010

School Easter Egg Hunt

Today at school, we made Easter Egg baskets in class and then Daddy and Mama came up to help me hunt for eggs. My friends and I all searched the picnic area and found every last egg. Cooper also had his first encounter with Easter eggs, but I think it would be a stretch to call what he did "hunting" :) We both had fun, until Miss Gloria broke out the bunny ears...

Another one!

I could do this all day.

Cooper watched me to learn the tricks of the trade:

And now it's his turn:

Mama!!! Please get these off me. This is so humiliating!