A gentle Molly-hug:
Ingredients for a great time at the grocery store:
After I did my part for Daddy's tray, me and Mama went over to Chick-fil-A to see Miss Teacup the clown and to get an elephant painted on my arm:
Okay, back to Father's Day - we started the day by taking Daddy to a special Father's Day brunch at Parker's on Ponce - we all ate so much that we needed to go home afterwards for a nap! After we woke up, Daddy wanted us to go to Monkey Joe's to play. And play, we did! Me and Daddy and Mama jumped our hearts out and had a really great afternoon. We worked up quite an appetite, so Daddy chose to have dinner at Five Guys and ice cream at Cold Stone.
We had so much fun today making Daddy feel special and letting him know how much we love him. He is the best Daddy two little boys could ever hope to have - how did we ever get so lucky? Thank you for always be so much fun, laughing with us, your endless patience, your snuggly hugs and making us always feel safe and loved. We love you with our whole hearts!
Daddy, can I wear your shoes to brunch?
Monkeying around at Monkey Joes:
Check out my mohawk!
On Saturday we all went up to Papa & Bebe's house to celebrate Father's Day with Papa. It was too stinkin' hot to go to the park, so we went over to the Mall of Georgia to play. Who knew there was so much fun stuff to do in a mall? After having lunch, I got to ride on a Merry-Go-Round for the very first time (and when are we going to do THAT again? Please soon!). Then we headed outside to play in the water fountain - we had a great time splashing and laughing in the sprinkles - it felt so wonderful to cool off and spend such a great afternoon with our family.
Thanks for making Father's Day so fun and special for all of us, Papa! We love you!
Time to play in the water!
Tonight Grandmama came over to hang out with us and have dinner. We had a blast! We spent the night playing ball, laughing and watching Aladdin (can you believe she's never seen it?). We love you, Grandmama!
...and developing a triple-chin (just call me "TC") and even the beginnings of some leg rolls! This makes my parents endlessly happy and is the subject of many a dinner conversation. Close-ups of these phenomenoms to come...
C: This was just a perfect day for me because it started with two of my most favorite things - being held by Daddy and listening to Harrison read books. Does life get any better than this?
It was such a perfect night out that we decided to go to the drive-in movies tonight. We saw Up, which I already saw with Uncle Jeremy, but I've been talking it up so much that Mama & Daddy just had to see it too! We picnicked on the back of the car before the movie and talked to our neighbors. Then me and Daddy chased each other around the big screen before the movie started, and I also played with some new friends - I challenged them to "Race! I'm fast!" and got a skinned knee, but that only slowed me down for a minute. I was having too much fun!
Once the movie started at dark, I sat in my Elmo chair next to Cooper. It was so cool to get to watch a movie outside! I stayed awake for the whole movie, even though it didn't end until 11pm! It was such a cool night, I can't wait to go again!
Ha! Cooper fell asleep and the movie hasn't even started yet!
Interested to see what I'm having for dinner?