Boy oh boy, have I had one heck of an exciting week! Mama and Daddy went to California with Chick-fil-A, which meant I got the very special treat of staying at Bebe & Papa's house while they were gone. Bebe, Papa and I shared so many fun memories together during my stay - I am one lucky little boy to have two wonderful Grandparents who love me so very much, who treat me with such love and who are so much fun to spend time with to boot! I love you both and I am so thankful for you!
Here are just a few of the fun things we did together during our week together:
Ready to go and have a pancake breakfast at church - where I ate almost 2 HUGE pancakes and got to play with some toys with some new friends too!

I worked off those pancakes with all that playing - time to fill back up with a McDonald's cheeseburger!

I have not lost my love for my stacking blocks that Aunt Kelly got me for Christmas - I love to build towers and then knock them down. This never gets old:

Let's play ball!

Me and Bebe went to meet some of her old co-workers for lunch, where I was content to read them my Dr. Seuss books and display my love of lemons. I also made a very fast friend with Bebe's friend Rajesh:

We also got to spend some time at Miss Ann's house that day. I loved reading to Miss Ann and also singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" with her. Bebe has such nice friends - I had a great time making them my friends too!

One of my favorite things to do when I stay with Bebe & Papa is to go and visit Papa and his class at school. I love sitting with the big kids and watching Papa teach them - they love him so much, it is fun to see and makes me so proud of Papa!

Bebe even makes going to the grocery store fun:

As if this week hasn't been perfect enough, Bebe took me to Monkey Joe's one morning! We slid, jumped and laughed until we just wore ourselves out:

A yummy snack of raisin bread to re-charge before we start jumping some more:

One of the things that always fascinates me is watching Bebe clip coupons and then organizing them in her shopping envelope, so my sweet Bebe thought she'd just make me my own set of coupons for all of my favorite foods! This just thrilled me to pieces - I took great joy in studying the coupons and then putting them in my very own shopping envelope:

Bebe and I also did lots of art together - I made some drawings for Mama & Daddy for when they get back, and also made some art with Bebe for Bebe & Papa to keep on their fridge:

Do you like my shirt? Papa & Bebe got it for me for Valentine's Day - it was an instant favorite!