a) she had to get a couple of moles cut from her back and head and nearly fainted in the dermatologist's office.
b) she needed to meet the real estate agent so that she could take pictures of our remarkably-clean and un-cluttered house. We do NOT usually live this way. Does anyone? Really? Okay, anyone with kids in the house and two parents working full-time? (If you are one of these people, don't tell Mama - it will hurt her ego). Because it is taking a silly amount of effort to keep it up. And we are on day 2. Lord help us all if this house takes a year to sell.
Note: I am doing everything I can to help, but for some reason Mama and Daddy don't always agree with my decoration choices - who DOESN'T find smeared food on the walls appealing? Don't ball-pit balls rolled under every surface in the living room just scream "Buy this house!"? Who doesn't love walking around the kitchen floor and realizing that the gritty stuff stuck to the bottom of your foot is some combination of crumbled rainbow-colored goldfish, dried peas and oatmeal pie? Boring adults, that's who.
c) she needed a day with just me to help her remember what is really important - I have a way of reminding her to live in the moment. Stressed? Having a rough day? Take 12 hours of me and call me in the morning.
d) she wanted to finish getting the boxes loaded to take to Grandpa and Bebe's basement for storage so that potential buyers aren't horrified at the sheer amount of stuff a family of 3 has managed to accumulate (Why, oh why do we have a huge glass bottle filled with colored popcorn kernels? Why, no, HOW is it possible for one person to fill 2 huge boxes with "off-season" clothes? I'm looking your way, Mama.)
e) all of the above
If you let me play with colored sponges, I can be coerced into doing some floor scrubbing, Cinderella-style:
Okay, enough with the work already! Let's play ball. With the biggest ball I can find.
Catch me if you can!
Before you say anything, I know Stirling LOOKS rather perturbed, but she is mid-purr. I'm sure of it. And that's not me yelling at her, that is me singing to her and trying to kiss her at the same time. Mama spent the next 5 minutes trying to help me peel the fur from my tongue. Note to self: no more open-mouthed kisses for Stirling in the high-shedding season of summer.
Practicing to be the next Sandy Koufax:
Mama and I had many riveting conversations today. Here is a snippet of one of the many that took place.