Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fun with Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Lucy!!!

Today we took a trip out to Snellville to visit with my much-loved and VERY much-missed Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Lucy. We had such a wonderful, fun day - with 3 fun "firsts"! I sure do love you guys - thanks for always being so fun, loving and patient with me!

My wonderful J and Lucy!

I got to meet a real bunny rabbit! Bunny ventured out from hiding twice to meet me, but unfortunately the slowpokes with the cameras missed our meetings (I think they were too busy talking if you ask me). They only caught me and Uncle J trying to coax Bunny out from under the bed. But I did get to touch his super-soft fur!

Then we went to the park and I got to feed ducks for the first time, which was just hilarious to me - I loved watching them gobble up the bread just as soon as I could throw it into the lake! I also took a couple bites to see what all the fuss was about, but it was just regular ol' bread.

(Daddy accidentally pushed some button on the camera when he was videotaping, so that's why we are all grey and green. Silly Papa.)

After that adventure, we went to Bruster's and I had my very first ice cream cone all to myself (I have had ice cream before, but never in a cone!). I think I'll request to have it this way from now on - no more struggling with a spoon while the ice cream gets more and more melty and impossible to get on a spoon! So what if the cone was "messier"? I think everyone needs a little ice cream on their shirt, neck and pants - it means you must have had an excellent day! And I sure have!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Animal Love

I realized that I have gotten so excited with park visits, trucks, family and friends that I have made almost no mention of my beloved animals at home. So this one's for you Hudson, Molly & Stirling! I love you for never even considering growling, biting, hissing or scratching me from the first day Mama and Daddy brought me into your lives, even when I pet just a little too vigorously or insist on cuddling when you just aren't in the mood. You have loved and accepted me from the beginning, although I have somewhat stolen the spotlight and taken up space in Mama & Daddy's hearts that used to be soley for you. You have cuddled, kissed and shown me unlimited patience and love, for which I promise to always repay you with pets, hugs, kisses, songs and lots of unconditional love (poop on the floor? won't bother me!) that only a little boy can give his animals.

Mama always tells me how Molly (who is maybe THE sweetest, gentlest dog on the planet, and will surely greet you with wagging tail and tongue out, ready to give wet kisses) growled and was fiercely protective of her when any male came anywhere near our house when Mama was pregnant with me. Or how Molly knew the day I was going to come before anyone else knew (we have had a special connection since my little heart started beating, so I was keeping her posted on my plans) and would not let Mama out of her sight, sitting under her legs and following her everywhere, just in case she needed her. Mama kind of knew something was up from the way Molly was acting, but didn't know that I would arrive less than 12 hours later!

All this to say, I love you three so very much and you make my heart full and so happy! You are the very best pets a little boy could ever hope for!

I love me some Stirling:

Hanging out with Molly and Huddy:

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Today it was perfect outside, so we made turkey sandwiches and took them to the park for a picnic. I made several new dog friends by running up to them and giving them bear hugs, practiced my ball throwing and kicking, and also really wanted to go swimming in the creek, but Mama and Daddy just wouldn't let me for some reason. At first I felt this was a huge tragedy worthy of a mighty tantrum, but a minute later I realized I was at the PARK and there were a million fun things to do (like teach Mama the best sliding techniques), so the rest of the day was happy and laughter-filled! I hope you enjoyed this beautiful day too!

I had to make sure Daddy ate his fruit:

Does life GET any more fun than this?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Touch a Truck!!!

Holy tomatoes, today was fun! We went to a park where there were tons of cars and trucks that we could get in, honk the horns, steer and touch! You may not know this about me, but I love trucks, cars (or "vroom-vrooms", as I like to call them), airplanes, choo choo trains and pretty much anything that goes, so this was heaven for me. We stayed for a long time and I got to see just about any kind of moving vehicle my little heart desired - I couldn't stop myself from yelling "Cool!" and "Whoa!" because everywhere I turned there was something fun and new to see! Thank you Mama and Daddy for taking me - and for letting me stay up way past my naptime! I rewarded them with my most excellent, best behavior so hopefully we can do this kind of thing lots more!

Sitting way up high in a cement mixer with Mama:

Laughing in front of a tow truck with Daddy:

And a school bus - man this place rocks!

They even let me get IN a school bus! I climbed the big-kid steps on my own and then Mama helped me find Daddy outside so I could wave to him. I pretended not to notice how Mama got a little teary:

I also got to go up and down (and up and down) the ramp in a moving truck!

Need help moving? I'm your man:

Big man on the front of a real fire truck!

Harrison to the rescue!

I love today!

Dinner in the Park

Yesterday I got to spend most of the day with Daddy and then when Mama got home we went and got some Wendy's for dinner and took it to the park. It was so nice out that I got to wear my shorts and show off my handsome little legs (little ladies out there, control yourselves!). I wasn't too interested in eating though - there was too much running, playing, soccer ball kicking, frisbee throwing, sliding and swinging to do!

Practicing my soccer skills with Mama:

And I love flowers - me and Daddy found a bunch of dandelions that needed to be picked:

Loving the slide (I went up and down about 47 times):

I love to swing with Daddy - he always makes me laugh so hard I wet my pants (thank goodness for diapers!). This time he was blowing my hair every time I swung towards him - I love you so much Daddy!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Me in Black & White

Mama got camera-happy (surprised?) with me as her subject (I hear I'm her favorite - just narrowly beating out the puppies). Here are a couple of the shots we took:

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round..."

Playing in the shadows:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Playing at the Park With Bebe!

Today was yet another special Baby & Bebe day! Every part of this day has been fun and funny (we laugh a lot together). We spent a long time at the playground - it was a perfect day for swinging, sliding, rock collecting and finding stray tennis balls. What is even more interesting, especially to Mama and Daddy, is that I seem to forget how to throw a tantrum when it's just me and Bebe (it's just that me and Bebe together are magic). But no worries, I remember how to throw them as soon as Mama and Daddy get home. Whew - thank goodness - how else am I supposed to keep Mama and Daddy on their toes? Anyways...I love you Grandma Bebe and I had a super day with you!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ball Pit Demo

For those of you who may not know, allow me to demonstrate proper form when entering and exiting a ball pit:

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dinner with Grandmama

Saturday night, Grandmama came over and we all went out to dinner. We wanted to find somewhere where we could eat outside since it was so nice out, so we ended up at The Flying Biscuit. While we waited on our food, I read books with Grandmama, drove my trucks on every chair and table on the patio and waved to all of the people coming in and out of the restaurant. I had really worked up an appetite by the time my scrambled eggs and biscuit got there, so I practically inhaled my food and let everyone know how much I was enjoying it by yelling "Yum!" after every couple of delicious bites.


Mama really just wanted an excuse to put up some pictures of my wild man hair. So here they are. Here I am in my toy box, playing with Daddy (I'm sure Daddy would have gotten in too if he could have fit). I couldn't decide what toy I wanted out of my toy box, so Mama and Daddy just put me in there.

Krispy Kreme, Yum Yum!

Saturday morning Daddy decided it was high time I had my first Krispy Kreme breakfast, so we went straight there after we rolled out of bed. I got to wear a crinkly hat and got Mama's hopes up that my sweet tooth would finally show up, but I was more interested in smashing the donuts into the table and blowing kisses to everyone that came in the door. I also enjoyed getting the sugar all over my face, hair and Mama's dark blue shirt so it looked like she had bad dandruff. He he he. When we got home, I had a bagel. Oh well, we had a great time and that was the most important thing!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I wasn't kidding when I said one of my interests is throwing Cheerios at Mama. I got caught in action today on the way home from school - I am very proud to say I was successful in getting Cheerios in every crack and crevice in Mama's car! And on Mama. What fun!

(Mama would like me to give Daddy a big shout out for getting every last Cheerio out of the car last night with the shop vac - Mama enjoyed the clean car for all of 3 minutes before I was up to my old tricks again!)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

We'll Miss You, Aunt Dayna!

This has been a really fun few days with Aunt Dayna - we have played, gone out to eat, laughed, tickled, read books, hugged and just had a great time together. I don't like that she lives all the way in Seattle, but it is an extra special treat when I do get to see her. I already miss her but hope to see her really soon! I love you, Auntie Dayna!!!

It's Haircut Time!

I think if one more person mistakes me for a girl, Daddy might lose it. So he and Mama decided it was high time for a hair cut (left up to Mama, it might grow to my feet). This will be my 3rd haircut and I have not liked (not liked? hated!) going in the past - here's one of the pictures of my 1st haircut back in November....


I mean, I am trying my best to let everyone know that I love my long locks, but no one is listening! I have my Mama's hippie heart.

Are we really going to try this again?

But happily for me (and everyone in the store), this time was a breeze. There were 3 key pieces to making this a less agonizing experience:

1. Aunt Dayna

2. A puzzle

3. My first lollipop (where have THESE been all my life?)

Afterwards, we went to Stride Rite and got me some new kicks. How do you like my new do?