Hi sweet Friends and Family! I finally convinced Mama to get with the program already and make me famous by starting my very own blog. She was not so super at sending out the monthly Shutterfly pictures, so maybe if I help her remember she can keep this thing a little more updated. You can see pictures from my first year of life at http://babystuckey.shutterfly.com Maybe I should start this off by telling you a few of my favorite things - there are so many things I love about life that I've discovered in my 20 months in this wonderful world!
1. I love love LOVE stuffed animals, and it is very rare that you will see me without one. My favorite is the one Mama and Daddy brought me from the top of Pike's Peak, so we named him Rocky Bear. Every time (and I mean EVERY time) you give me one of my dearly loved and drooled-upon friends, I will reward you with lots of sweet cooing and singing. Click the "Play" button below to see for yourself:
2. I love eating and throwing food around (I tell Mama & Daddy that I am just giving Stirling, our kitty cat, extra treats!). It is especially hilarious to do this right after they have cleaned. And no, that isn't dirt on your screen - that is crusted food that I have carefully thrown on the walls (it's art, duh! - just call me the next Jackson Pollack). Mama caught me working on a masterpiece below:

3. Like any little person who has discovered the exhilaration that comes with going as fast as possible and feeling the wind in their hair and on their face, I love to move fast - whether that means running, swinging or sliding! Swinging makes me giggle pretty uncontrollably, until Mama breaks out the video camera and tries to capture it, but I gave her a few laughs this time to humor her:
4. Reading is another favorite pasttime - I have developed a process for book-reading time and it goes something like this: I bring you a book, crawl into your lap and then kick my feet in excited anticipation as I wait rather impatiently for you to start reading. My current favorites are The Lorax, Corduroy, There's a Wocket in My Pocket, Little Einsteins, The Bear Snores On, Green Eggs and Ham and anything with animal pictures in it!
5. Bath time just might be my favorite part of the day - I get Mama and Daddy as soaked as possible AND play with bubbles and toys at the same time! Oh, did I mention that I love bubbles? I think I wear them quite well. 
Click the "Play" button to see some splashin' action:
6. And last but most certainly not least, I sure do love my Mama and Daddy! And Aunt Marilyn and Uncle George and Katie and Uncle Fahad and Miss Halima and Uncle Dan and Grandmama and Lisa and Bebe and Grandpa and Miss Vicki and Great-Grandmama and
Caroline and Aunt Kelly and Miss Michelle and MB and Isabella and Uncle Zach and Aunt Dayna and Jason and Aunt Lucy and Uncle Jeremy and Debbie and Miss Gloria and Aunt Kira and Emma Kate and Aunt Sara and Lisa and Grandpa Tommy...whew! You get the idea...I have lots of love to give! Am I a lucky little boy or what?
Giving my girl Emma Kate some love: