Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More Fun with Lisa & Brian

Sadly for Big Brother, he had to go to school today. But happily for me, that meant that I got to have Brian & Lisa all to myself all day! One of my favorite places to go is the Aquarium, and they had never been, so off we went. After that, we decided that The Varsity is an Atlanta "must" for lunch. Lisa & Brian are such great sports that they got into it whole-heartedly and wore the Varsity hats and even engaged in a game of Walrus with me. Not familiar with what that is? See below...

Looking pensive (and darn handsome) while studying the fish:

Completely absorbed:

Good grief, this is way cool:

Pointing out the fish to our guests. Just in case they can't find them on their own:

"That one is my favorite!"

You probably can't tell from this shot, but my little hand is tight around Mama's neck. This is in her Top 10 Cooper-isms. So I try to do it often :)

Checking out some Grover while waiting on the presentation to start. That Grover really cracks me up!

These are the craziest crabs I have ever laid eyes on. I could not get enough!

I was not about going in the underwater tunnel, so Mama & Lisa went on without me. Dang, looks like fun...maybe next time!

I met them near the exit and popped up long enough to study on a penguin. I admit, that was pretty awesome:

All that fish-watching got my appetite up - let's have some Varsity!

Dig in!

And we're about to play some Walrus, if I can convince Lisa to join me:

Of course she will! One more reason I love her so much!

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