Monday, August 9, 2010

Family Fun Day at School

Today Mama and Daddy came up to our school for our annual Family Fun Day. There were fire trucks, snow cones, a petting zoo and lots of arts and crafts. It was kind of (really really) hot, but we were having so much fun that we didn't even notice!

Checking out this little horse - we had an instant connection. Minutes later it bit me on the booty, and our friendship was over.

Demonstrating "gentle touches" to Cooper:

"Well, HI! How are you? Want to come out and play?"

I guess he did! But Cooper's already off to something else.

Time for a snow cone break:

I found me a pig! And a big one at that!

"Might I share some of your water? I'm awful hot. Thanks!" (yes, this was gross and Mama scooped me up and sanitized my hands right after taking this picture!)

Cooper is very happy about his first bite of snow cone!

My new teacher, Miss Danielle is toughing me up with a new tattoo:

And, as if this day hasn't been awesome already, we got to ride in a golf cart back to our car!

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