Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Part I: The Grandmas

Saturday morning we met Grandmama, Uncle Zach and Aunt Sara in downtown Decatur at Pastries A GoGo for some yummy brunch. When you're this little, everyone wants to share their food with you (lucky for me!) so by the time we were done, I had a tummy full of grits, potatoes, eggs, biscuit and even a sugar cookie! I was still a little out of sorts from Friday night, plus I was running a fever that I couldn't seem to kick, but I tried my best to still have fun because I love seeing my family so much!

I love my silly Aunt and Uncle (especially with Zach's fuzzy hair on his face! I am fascinated every time.):

Reading a book with Grandmama:

Then I even got to play in the scooper of a bulldozer since they are doing construction across the street from Uncle Zach's house (thanks Sara!):

Swinging between Mama and Aunt Sara - oh what fun!

Me and Grandmama:

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