Part I: The Movie
Since we all got an extra day to spend together this weekend, we thought we should do something super special. Lucky for me, Horton Hears a Who is at the dollar theater next to our house, so can you guess what we did?? You got it - I got to go to my very first movie!! This was an extra exciting adventure for me because I've actually never watched more than 30 minutes of anything on TV at a time, so getting to go to a theater, eat goldfish and watch a full movie on a screen that was as tall as our house about knocked my socks off! I couldn't take my eyes off the huge screen and laughed at silly Horton the elephant and even had to bury my head in Mama and Daddy's shoulders during the scary parts. At the end when there were just words on the screen, I still didn't want to get up out of my seat. I finally realized that it was really over when people started coming in sweeping the floor and the lights came on. I took that opportunity to run up and inspect the huge screen a little bit closer. I can't wait for another fun movie to come so we can go again! Thank you Mama and Daddy - I love you!

Whoa! This screen is humongous!!! (and one last shot of my long hair)
Part II: The Haircut
And then it was time for a haircut - again. Lucky for all of us, we've got a formula down that keeps me pretty happy: lollipops and puzzles. I got to have 3 lollipops in a row while working on some puzzles. Before I knew it, the floor was covered in hair (too much of my hair, according to Mama). What do you think?
This is about the time Mama had to start fighting to keep her tears under control:
All grown up (if you listen closely, you can hear Mama's tears hitting the keyboard):
Wheeeeeeeeeee! Happy Memorial Day! God bless our soldiers!!
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