Mama and Daddy took the day off from work on Friday so that we could take our first trip to the zoo together. We were all very excited as we drove downtown and talked about all the animals we would see and I practiced my gorilla-chest-thump and lion
"Roar!" in preparation. I LOVED seeing all of my favorite animals in real life and was having the best time until we got to the tiger. I was standing up on a step to get as close as possible to the tiger (he was right at the window!), but I got a little too excited and turned to tell Mama and Daddy something and forgot I was on a step. I fell and landed right on my forehead. It scared me (and Mama and Daddy) so much that I threw up and Mama called the doctor to make sure we didn't need to go the the hospital. The doctor asked a lot of questions and I guess I "passed" all of those, but the doctor said that if I threw up in the next 24 hours that we would have to go to the ER. Wouldn't you know, 2 hours later I let Mama know I wanted out of the carseat and so we pulled over just in time for me to throw up again. Sadly, this meant we had no choice but to go to the Children's ER even though Mama and Daddy were pretty sure that I threw up from nausea. By this time it was 7:30 (my bedtime) and I was so tired, but I perked up when I saw that I would get to wear a purple hospital
gown with spaceships on it. All of the nurses and doctors there were so perfect and fun that I never cried once and made fast friends with everyone! So what's the big deal about going to the ER anyways? I got to watch cartoons, snuggle with Mama and Daddy, read books, wear a super cool gown, and meet lots of nice people! They even gave me a brand new sippy cup with apple juice in it! After several exams, they gave us the all-clear to go home at 11pm and I didn't even have to have a CAT scan! Hooray! I am a healthy little boy and got to stay up extra late too, so it really wasn't so bad after all! And we are going back to the zoo on Sunday to try this again :)
I stared in awe when I saw the elephants (boy they're big!):

I stared in awe when I saw the elephants (boy they're big!):
I loved looking at the zebras and giraffes:
And this was taken about 10 seconds before my head hit the concrete:

After losing my puke-covered shorts (poor Daddy had to suffer through with a curdled-milk-smelling shirt) and much snuggling, I felt okay enough to study the map of the zoo so we could decide what we needed to see first when we come back on Sunday! (this is my concentrating face):
I hope that all is well now. I so sorry that the perfect trip ended with a trip of its own to the ER. No fun but I am so glad that all is well and Harrison is doing well. I know that must have been scary for you and John. Thank the Lord all is good.
katherine - that is CRAZY!!! Poor little guy. and poor sweet parents. he is certainly keeping you busy. goodness! love to the stuckey family!
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