Sunday, April 13, 2008

Krispy Kreme, Yum Yum!

Saturday morning Daddy decided it was high time I had my first Krispy Kreme breakfast, so we went straight there after we rolled out of bed. I got to wear a crinkly hat and got Mama's hopes up that my sweet tooth would finally show up, but I was more interested in smashing the donuts into the table and blowing kisses to everyone that came in the door. I also enjoyed getting the sugar all over my face, hair and Mama's dark blue shirt so it looked like she had bad dandruff. He he he. When we got home, I had a bagel. Oh well, we had a great time and that was the most important thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is "what took so long John!!!" I can't believe it has only been up to now that Harrision has tasted the sweet greatness of a Krispy Kreme. What kind of dad withholds such a treat???

Can't wait to see the THREE of you!!
