Hmmmmm.....looks like someone (we can leave names out of this) is a little impatient to get a taste of that awesome cake Bebe made...
Hanging out:
Two beautiful ladies. And one very silly one.
A little love from Papa & Bebe:
Explaining to Aunt Kelly the intricacies of Star Wars spacecraft:
Still got my paws on my Star Wars stuff while Bebe and Grandmama chatter away, completely oblivious to the awesomeness that is the AT-AT:
Oh boy ohboy ohboyohBOY it's time for cake!

Yep, it is every bit as delicious as it looks:
Whatchoo doin' Aunt Sara? I would be happy to share and wipe some of this on your eyelid, if you like:
The only thing that would make this better was if the spoon was edible too:
All cleaned up and ready for presents:
Ha HA! Now that big brother is distracted, I can finally get some playtime with Iron Man. I've been waiting for this moment for weeks:
Checking out one of my new coloring books:
Oh man and a tent just for my bed...
Oh awesome! A Seattle Sounders soccer shirt from Aunt Dayna. Do you know what you do when you score a goal in soccer? Allow me to demonstrate:
Who thought a bow and arrow set would be a good idea for a 4-year-old? Oh, of course, Aunt Kelly (she was right):
Okay, seriously? A sword and shield? Could my Aunt Kelly be any cooler?
Now, for the best present of all!
Alright, let's get this bed tent set up people:
While Cooper and Bebe look on:
No no no, Grandpa Tommy, it goes like THIS - see? It's right here in the directions:
Ta-daaaaa!! My very own fort:
Some of my favorite gals:
Here I am, yes, with a balloon again:
Playing with one of my other favorite presents of the day - Army Guys!
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