Sunday, April 12, 2015


Waiting semi-patiently before coming downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought!

YESSSSS!  Maybe the most exciting thing in our basket...silly string!  (What was the Easter Bunny thinking?):

Now for an indoor hunt since it rained last night:

That tricky bunny!

Now for some playtime:

Remember that silly string?  It greeted Bebe & Papa as soon as they walked in the door:

Shot to the face!

Reading my new book to Papa & Bebe, much to their delight:

Seeing who can shoot our airplanes the farthest:

Now for a hunt in the backyard!

Look at our eggs and also how we are reluctantly posing for a picture:

And our reward for sitting still for 3 seconds is a silly pose:

Getting ready for egg dyeing:

Happy Easter!

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