Friday, November 29, 2013

A Morning at the Children's Museum

We always start at the front with all of the crazy stuff you can do with the balls:

Then we put on smocks and go fishing in the water:

Practicing unloading a truck of boxes - loved the rolling rods!

Oh and a quick watering of the garden:

Giant blocks - how tall can of a tower can I build?  This is going much faster than when I try this at home with my tiny Legos!

Who am I kidding?  The knocking it over is the best part:

Quality time with Daddy:

And of course let me go grocery shopping - I LOVE FOOD:

Choo choo!

They have this crazy sand that's not really sand - it's softer and gooier and all around awesome:

Playing some word search games on this giant screen:

And teaching Mama:

This looks like just a cute picture of us playing, but take a closer look at whose hand is going where:

I see you!

Peek a boo!

Joyful as always going down the slide:

They also had these stations set up where you could learn how cashiers count back change to customers - so I was here for quite a while:

And we took some of our very own Stuckey Boy money home:

Bundled up and ready to head home!

Most of the time I can't contain how much I love my big brother:

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